Let's rock!
Having left Roswell, we spent an uneventful couple of days in Albuquerque searching fruitlessly for a new skylight to replace the one that had been annihilated during that unprovoked attack by a tree. Undeterred by our lack of success, I managed, through my experiences in Europe of mending a broken van with gaffer tape, to lash the carcass of the old skylight together in such a way that at least it wouldn't liberate itself from the van entirely. With the RV all bandaged up we headed west, out into the desert wilderness, for a week of rock-based adventure. We drove through an old volcanic area called El Malpais – the badlands – in which we visited an extinct volcano called Bandera. While this was all very nice and, you know, volcano-shaped, the real surprise was what lay down below. Beneath the ancient lava flow was a cave and in that cave was a "lake of ice". The temperature down there never gets above 0°C so this ice has been there for centuries – scientists have dat...