For me, Yosemite is a bit like The Beatles . Because so many people insist that The Beatles were the best band ever, eventually everyone just accepts that as fact. People are worried to point out that, actually, while The Beatles were a competent four-piece beat combo with some pleasant songs, the title of "best band ever" is a purely subjective one. Some people might think the same of The Rolling Stones or Queen or Brotherhood Of Man . Possibly. So it is with Yosemite National Park. So many people told us we "just had to go there", "it's an amazing place" or "it'll blow your socks off" that the pressure was on to actually get there and see what all the fuss was about. And while it is a lovely and beautiful place, I'm afraid my socks remained firmly on for my whole time there. Perhaps my expectations were just built up too much – maybe I was expecting rivers of gold and grazing unicorns or something. Instead I got the equivalent o...
Sound like you're still clocking up the miles. Hope you get a rest over Christmas.